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We accept everyone into our country. You must fill out a quick application and then email it to our email.

We have stipulations though, our main one is if you have any Felonies or Misdemeanors your application will be sent to our Senate and then if its approved youll get the confirmation with our signatures!


To get application click on hyperlinked application word in paragraph above.

How to join our cause:

We have Three provinces in the desert of Calfornia. That you may apply to citizenships in.

Desert Provinces:

Den Gamla Stalle

Which means: The old Stead. Our approx number of citizens : 6 citizens. Climate: High desert. 

Which means: The Land of my Growth and Prosperity. Our Approx Citizens: 14 citizens. Climate: High Desert.

Den mark min tillvaxt och valstad

El Paso Vildmark

Which Means: El Paso Wilderness. Our approx citizens: 2 citizens. Climate: High Desert.

Woodland Provinces:

We have one province in a woodland area in Wisconsin that you may be come citizens of.

Which Means: Apple River Sanctuary. Approx Citizens: 1 Citizen. Climate: Woodland, Farming, and Snowy land every year.

Apple Flod Skyddsomrade

Island Provinces:

Arktiska oarna I stora havet

Which means: Arctic Islands of the great ocean. Approx Citizens: 0 citizens. Climate: Artic tundra in North Pacific Ocean.

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